Content Writer

If you are someone who spends a great portion of the day reading and writing, why not turn it into a career? Sipping a cup of coffee, staring out the window and stimulating your creative process with some good music – if this sounds like your bliss, follow the hunch and join our bunch!

Megantic is seeking English content writer (a creative and self-motivated individual) to create informative, well-researched content that reaches to thousands of visitors on a daily basis.

Articles are distributed on our blogs and cover topics like business, nutrition, health, equipment, and technology. You will collaborate with our editorial team providing content on assigned topics for multiple platforms (websites, blogs and social media), as well as brainstorm for new strategies and ideas to create original and effective content.
We need someone who is eager to learn, good team-player, forward thinking and original and thrives to be part of creative community.

Requirements: Intermediate knowledge of English language (verbal and written)

  • Excellent grammar and writing skills
  • General Computer Knowledge
  • Social Networks Knowledge (Facebook, Twitter..)
  • Blogging Experience
Selected applicants will be tested on their English skills. They will be asked to write articles on 3 topics.
We are not hiring right now.

    Application form Content Writer